Pajero 4WD Club of Victoria

Every Event an Adventure

Pajero 4WD Club of Victoria - Temporary Membership

The Pajero 4WD Club of Victoria offers non-members the opportunity to participate in specified Club Trips and Activities in a limited way.  For a person to participate they must apply to become a Temporary Member of the Club. Temporary Membership is only available to non-members when invited by a current member.  Don't  know a member? Attend one of our monthly Club Member Meetings. Click HERE for meeting details.

There are two (2) categories of Temporary Membership:

Category 1 -Passenger in a member’s vehicle – the temporary member travels in the vehicle of a Club Member with that member. The Temporary member may drive the vehicle at the discretion of the member and the Trip Leader.

Category 2 – In a Non-Member’s vehicle – the temporary members travel in a vehicle without a Club Member, whether as driver or passenger.

For Category 1 – Temporary Members there is no limit on the number of times they may participate in Club Trips or Activities during the Club’s financial year.

For Category 2 – Temporary Members, the Club expects they will apply for membership of the Club after attending no more than 2 trips. Category 2 Temporary Membership is expected to only be used for shorter trips of 5 days or less. For longer trips the Club may decline temporary membership on the basis the person is expected to become a member of the Club.

The following fees apply to Category 2 Temporary Membership per trip.

 a. Temporary member driving their own vehicle $20.00
 b. Temporary Member - travelling with another Temporary Member (separate application) $20.00
 c. Family Member of Temporary Member (Spouse/partner or dependent child under 25) $0.00

A Temporary Membership only last for the duration of the trip.  A new Application for Temporary Membership must be made for each trip or activity attended.

The Pajero Club will register all Temporary Members with Four Wheel Drive Victoria for affiliation and Insurance.

Any person who is not a family member of the applicant or who is a non dependent child over the age of 18 must complete a separate application.

The Temporary Member Applicant must complete this application (or parent/ guardian if under 18); not the Club Member.

Please click here to commence the application for temporary membership.

If you are a logged in Pajero Club member you will NOT be able to access the Temporary member application form.

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